Ace Trucks UK Team Presents: Open Return...

Ace Trucks UK Team Presents: Open Return...

The ACE Trucks UK Team video 'Open Return' by Lucien Parsons is live! This is the first original content that UK skate distro Rock Solid have produced for one of their brands and the results are siiicccckkk!!!!The ACE UK team in the video in order of appearance:Twiggy, Atlantic Johnson, Daryl Dominguez, Mikey Patrick, Jarrad Carlin, Alice Smith, Charlie Birch, Chris Pulman, Billy Trick, Harry Lintell, Matlok Bennet Jones, Dead Dave, Mike Arnold, Bear Myles, Henry Gibbs, Jordan Thackery, Jordan Lightowler, Ben Broyd, Jay Lentern, Zach Smith, Amy Ram.Animation by:Anna Bowen - @annabowenillustrationFilmed by:Lucien Parsons, Sirus Gahan, Will Miles, Victor Kretsis, James Cruickshank, Baghead Crew, Jackson Davis, Henry Gibbs, Phil Parker.

Sit back and enjoy...


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