Anti-Black Friday 2016 - Why we're paying you to stay away...

Anti-Black Friday 2016 - Why we're paying you to stay away...

Last year, on so called 'Black Friday' TVSC shut up shop for the day and encouraged its customers to get out and get active. Instead of spending the day scouring the internet for deals on product you probably don't really need, we asked "why not use the time to spend to try something new, get out on your board or spend some time with family?"

This year, on November 25th, we will be going one step further...

'We will pay you to not shop with us'

If you visit us on Black Friday this year, we will be offering vouchers to you, completely free, if you spend it on any other day. Simply click on the banners to be taken to the gift vouchers and add to your cart as usual.

Remember, these vouchers are only to be used after Black Friday. Please use the day to get out and about - Go surfing, Go skating, Go shredding. Just don't go shopping!


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